„You are more than you appear to be –Life is greater than you have ever known it - The best is yet to come.“
Ernest Holmes

This space is for all who want to remember.
For all who are prepared to reclaim their fullest power and assume responsibility. Who are ready, without ifs or buts, to take their place.
Because if you don’t claim your rightful place, it will stay empty. At best.
It’s your choice!
Do you find yourself wondering who you really are? Why you are here?
And feel this immense longing for something that you can hardly name or pinpoint? Have you been on a seemingly endless search?
I know that deep down, each and every one of us knows why we are here. And what we want to learn and accomplish in our lifetime.
And I know that there was a time when this knowledge did not lie to a greater or lesser degree forgotten within us. It was vividly clear in our consciousness. When we were not yet incarnated. But had already said YES to the path ahead and were ready to start our journey. Full of joy.

This sacred space is the place you can reconnect with your innate frequency.
And the moment that happens, you remember . Everything.
It’s as bright as day and crystal clear. You feel the vibration of your frequency in every cell of your body. And with every single cell experience knowingness.
This you will never again forget.

From the moment of your activation, nothing is the same as it was before.
Now you carry your very own beacon of light within you.
With which you can – and should – consciously connect for guidance.
From the bondage of this matrix directly into your fulfillment.
Your very own mission. The life you are longing to live. The reason you’re here. Infinitely precious.
Online 1:1 session. The activation of your innate frequency
Online. 1:1 opening call
7-day frequency stream 24-hours a day.
Online 1:1 call: The grand finale
Your sacred space.
Reclaim your treasure!
Duration: 7 days
auf Anfrage
Schreibe mir, um mehr zu erfahren.
„All the power of the universe is with you. Feel it, know it,
and then act as though it were true.“
Ernest Holmes

What clients say about my work
Find out more about me
As a prenatal therapist I know that our journey from one dimension to the other and our arrival here on planet Earth can be hugely challenging. So challenging that we often feel utterly overwhelmed on this journey and switch into a state of numbness. Or flat out refuse to arrive and live in the here and now. Or actively fight against the process. No matter what reaction we settle on, each has the same outcome: We forget who we are and what we came here for. What we wanted to experience and master. That we wanted! Wanted, to come into our full potential and power.
There are different ways to process all the things we’ve experienced along the way, to find our way back to ourselves. Most of them are boring, some are extremely painful and often laborious.
With ESSENCE, I offer rocket boots for this process. Full speed ahead, directly into your innate frequency. And from there into pure incarnation (=embodied in flesh) and true being.
Anne Bichler

Do you still have time to lose?
Take your seat and fasten your seatbelt!
Let's raise your frequency!

„Once you know who you really are, being is enough. You feel neither superior to anyone nor inferior to anyone. And you have no need for approval because you have awakened to
your own infinite worth."
Deepak Chopra

After you book ESSENCE, I will send you instructions on how to prepare and we’ll arrange our first Zoom call. In that call, I’ll address all your personal questions and I will tell you everything you need to know. We’ll also set the time for our online session a week later.
Next, your sacred space is opened. In the following 7 days you will undergo an intensive, 24/7 preparation for the climax: the activation of your innate frequency. This period is a key part of the process. It’s important to ensure you have enough free time throughout this week to devote to yourself and your special space.
In our online session to activate your innate frequency, the portal opens up – entirely for you.
FAQ - frequently asked questions
Nein, gar nicht! Alles, was Du brauchst ist Dein „JA, das will ich“ und Deine Hingabe an den Prozess. Das beides aber wirklich, vollumfänglich.
Den Rest bekommst Du über mich vom Universum, direkt aus der Quelle. Und in unvorstellbarer Fülle und Leichtigkeit.
Ja, eine Vorbereitung macht absolut Sinn und ist bei diesem Angebote ein wichtiger Bestandteil. Daher gibt es bei ESSENZ auch extra einen Call im Voraus, wo alles genau erklärt wird. Und Du alle Deine Fragen stellen kannst.
In der Woche zwischen unserem ersten Call und unserer Sitzung zur Aktivierung Deiner Frequenz, solltest Du jeden Tag eine gewisse Zeit ganz für Dich allein und auch sonst parallel keine größeren anderen Projekte haben. Denn schon in dieser Woche geschieht viel, und je bewusster Du Dich darauf einlassen kannst, desto mehr Freude wird es Dir bereiten.
ESSENZ ist eine einmalige Erfahrung.
Wenn Du Deine Essenz einmal ganz bewusst wahrgenommen hast, dann wirst Du das nie mehr vergessen.
Es ist gut, sich ab da jeden Tag ein bisschen Zeit dafür zu reservieren, sich bewusst immer tiefer mit seiner Essenz zu verbinden.
Aber das wirst Du von ganz alleine machen. Einfach weil es so schön ist.
Yes, of course! The sessions are absolutely transformative. The more you allow yourself to surrender to the process, the deeper and longer lasting the transformation will be.
ESSENZ ist grundlegend. Und so angelegt, das ganze weitere Leben aktiv zu sein.
But in the end, as always: it's your choice!

Client Feedback
"I feel an indescribable transformation: Back to my true Self, to my true power."
I was in a crisis triggered by my family history and the beliefs it instilled in me, by social demands and conditioning, and by a job and relationship that didn’t correspond to my life’s true purpose. I found myself on an increasingly urgent search to find myself and my mission in life.
Through her impressive work, Anne Bichler/AVA-Portal succeeded in opening and upholding a space for me in which I could rediscover an unbelievable strength within, observe myself and reflect on my life, and finally reconnect to my innate frequency. I feel an indescribable transformation: Back to my true Self, to my true power.
I experienced Anne Bichler as an inspiring, authentic person. With her impressively expansive and deep knowledge and her big heart, love and devotion to her work and mission, she accompanied me safely on my journey into an awesome, soothing depth. Her work, clarity and feedback served as a turbocharger for the realization of my true potential. Thank you with all my heart! This is a wholehearted recommendation!
Christine Modery