
From shadow into light

"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate."

C.G. Jung

So often I wondered why I wasn’t making progress on my path. Why I repeatedly encountered the same situations, difficulties, and disappointments. Why, like roadblocks, the same issues kept me stuck in place.

Until I realized: These very moments are my signposts.

Die mir aufzeigen, wohin ich blicken muss. Nämlich zu dem, was ich noch nicht gesehen habe. Nicht sehen will. Nicht wahrhaben will. Mir nicht eingestehen möchte. Und jetzt kommt das Paradoxe. Auf der einen Seite wollen wir vorankommen, frei werden, unser wahres Sein verwirklichen. Auf der anderen Seite haben wir aber - unbewusst - so viel Angst davor in die Tiefe zu gehen, dass wir alles tun, um dies zu vermeiden.

And that keeps us captive.

"People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls."

C.G. Jung

And yes, turning to face it can be extremely sobering.

Agonizing even. You may feel you don’t have what it takes to deal with what you see. At times I myself thought I would pass out. I wanted to beam myself away, home, onto some distant planet. To die from the pain. Or of shame.

But every single time I consciously faced and accepted these unpleasant or even life-threatening feelings, I was led to deep realization and transformation. To real liberation.

Often it spurred a small or even major rebirth within myself.

Into an expanded consciousness with new possibilities.

The field of psychotherapy has shown that the issues people identify as their problem, the issues they can talk about, are generally NOT the true problem.

The analogy of an iceberg helps illustrate this. The small portion visible to our eyes above the water’s surface is just a fraction of the whole mass. In the same way, our conscious awareness only perceives a small portion of our entire self.

The much larger part lies concealed in the unconscious mind.

Unfortunately, the rational mind hinders any exploration of the realm of the unconscious. It thwarts any attempt on our behalf to understand and free ourselves from what’s hidden there. To maintain control, the rational mind will do all in its power to keep a lid on anything that could escape its grasp and rise to the surface.

If this sounds familiar to you…

... if you’ve tried out many different things but still haven’t neared the goal you sense is within reach, then this offering is also for you. It opens a path to the recognition of things that so far have eluded your conscious grasp but governed you all along.

The method I offer here stands apart because it bypasses the conscious mind. It cuts a simple and direct path to the real issues holding you back on your path .

"The only way out is through."

When light is cast onto shadow, the darkness ends.

When we acknowledge and accept our “shadow” parts, they transform. The energy that was trapped within them is released and becomes pure light. And that unleashed energy is now once again yours to use.

The moment you recognize what is really holding you back, you realize you are free. Free from unconscious patterns that have held you hostage. Free to realign yourself. To make new decisions and take new action. Ready to travel new roads. At last, you can reshape your life, with a whole new frequency. 

Free for your true self.

Your genuine happiness. Your ultimate power.


Online. A small group totaling a maximum of 5 participants, in which I accompany you through your transformation.

We open with a 30-minute Zoom call. Over the following three days, I hold the space to facilitate your intensive preparation. Then, a 60-minute Zoom call marks the transformative conclusion of your deep process of realization and change.

Through shadow into light.

Upcoming sessions:

Mittwoch, 16.10.24  19:30 Uhr Eröffnung

Samstag, 19.10.24  19:30 Uhr  Transformation

€ 999


Online. One-on-one accompaniment through your transformation.

We open with a 30-minute Zoom call. Over the following three days, I hold the space for your intensive preparation. A 60-minute Zoom call marks the transformative conclusion of your deep process of realization and change. Through darkness into light.

Through shadow into light.

Upcoming sessions:
Start any time, by appointment.

€ 3.333

"One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." 

C.G. Jung

Client Feedback

"As soon as the answer surfaced, I immediately knew: This is it. I’ve got to the bottom of it. This is my real issue. I was so moved, so grateful, and filled with a deep sense of peace."

To grasp the true meaning of my life, to understand what really moves me and what was keeping me from taking the next step – that was the motivation behind my decision to make an appointment with Anne Bichler for this special time together.
Wir vereinbarten einen Zoom Termin.
We arranged a time to Zoom and she gave me a few questions to work with in preparation.
My journey with Anne started three days later. And it was easy, because the question I was working with was: ‘What exactly is it that’s holding me back?’
As I dove deeper and deeper into my exploration of this question, within a space that Anne holds in such a unique manner, I was able to glide through many stages of my life and my experiences. Inner images, memories, thoughts, and moments - known and unknown – came to the surface.
And it felt like I was going deeper and deeper. 
Until what I felt was deep down, I found the answer.
As soon as it surfaced, I immediately knew: This is it.
I was so moved, so grateful, and filled with a deep sense of peace.
I’ve carried this experience within me ever since.
In the following days I repeatedly revisited the answer and the associated feelings. At times I felt it deeply, at others merely fleetingly.
But the peace and clarity it brought me and my life have remained. I have attained a state in which I can make decisions, take action and live my life.
Thank you for this most precious time together.

Carolin Vogel

Breath Therapist,


Find out more about me

I’ve worked as a (trauma) therapist for nearly 30 years. From the start, I was on a tireless quest to find ever-more effective treatment methods. I attended countless courses and studied many, many different types of therapies. Working with my patients I was able to gauge their efficacy.

But even though many of these are wonderful and very helpful methods, I was always left with a sense of frustration over how much time and money patients have to invest to achieve lasting results. 

So, when at last I recognized my true gift and calling, it felt to me like the ultimate liberation. 

I create and uphold frequency spaces in which your system can transcend previous limitations and gain completely new insights, enabling realization and transformation at the deepest level. Finally, I can provide help in a way that’s faster and more effective than ever before.

Anne Bichler

"Anyone who perceives his shadow and his light simultaneously sees himself from two sides and thus gets in the middle."

C.G. Jung

What to expect

I open and hold the space for you to uncover what has remained hidden.

Am at your side while you face the blind spot you have been avoiding with all your might.

Held by me, you can let yourself go, and in my sphere of protection look at whatever it is that until now has eluded you.

This process is quiet and gentle. Even if the ultimate discovery can be distressing. Because we know that everything within you that wants to unfold and be lived is waiting for this one moment of clarity and liberation. From then on, you can use the transformed energy to achieve the goal you long for most: Self-realization.

Finally, we will celebrate your victory together. Your liberation and rebirth.

And it’s possible you’ll say: "That was one of the best moments of my life." Maybe right then and there, or maybe only a short time later.

Are you ready?


The following describes the steps involved in an ALCHEMY session.

The procedure is the same for the group room and the VIP room. The overview below describes the one-on-one VIP option.


After booking your session we’ll arrange a 30-minute online call. I will give you detailed instructions on how to prepare for our joint session and answer any questions you may have.


Immediately following our call, I will open your frequency space and uphold it for the duration of your 3-day preparation time. You will notice a lot happening at this point, with things rising to the surface and becoming clearer.


ALCHEMY culminates with our 60-minute online session in which I accompany you through your process.

FAQ - frequently asked questions

Brauche ich spezielle Voraussetzungen um ALCHEMIE buchen zu können?

Nein, gar nicht! Alles, was Du brauchst ist Dein „JA, das will ich“ und Deine Hingabe an den Prozess. Das beides braucht es aber wirklich, vollumfänglich.

Den Rest bekommst Du über mich vom Universum, direkt aus der Quelle. Und in unvorstellbarer Fülle und Leichtigkeit.

Do I need to prepare for my session in any way?

Ja, eine Vorbereitung macht absolut Sinn und ist bei diesem Angebot ein wichtiger Bestandteil. Daher gibt es bei ALCHEMIE auch extra einen Call im voraus, bei dem alles genau erklärt und Deine Fragen beantwortet werden. 

Ist es vorgesehen, das ALCHEMIE wiederholt zu buchen?

ALCHEMIE dient dazu, das ans Licht zubringen, was nicht gesehen werden will. Aber durch sein andauerndes verborgenes Wirken die wahre eigene Entfaltung verhindert.

Wenn Du an diesem Programm einmal teilgenommen hast, dann wirst Du eine ganz neue Sichtweise auf Dich und auch auf das Leben an sich bekommen. Und eine Zeitlang brauchen, diese neuen Erkenntnisse zu integrieren.

Zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt wiederum kann es Sinn machen, das Angebot noch einmal zu buchen. Nämlich dann, wenn Du an einer neuen Schwelle in Deinem Leben stehst und spürst, dass es noch etwas gibt, das Dich zurückhält. Etwas, das zuerst erkannt werden will bevor der nächste Schritt möglich wird. 

Do the sessions have a lasting effect?

Oh ja! Die Sitzungen sind absolut transformierend. Und je mehr man sich dem Prozess hingeben kann, desto größer und nachhaltiger wird die Transformation sein.

ALCHEMIE ist so lange aktiv, bis der gefundene Schatten komplett erlöst, heißt angenommen und integriert ist. 

But never forget: it's YOUR choice. 

Client Feedback

"Ich fühlte ich mich sofort freier und ermutigt, meinen Weg weiterzugehen. "

Es ist nicht leicht, den eigenen Schatten zu greifen. Ich war schon mal ganz nahe dran, hatte den ersten Kontakt mit Anteilen und spürte dann, wieder vom Weg abzukommen und mich in alten Strategien der Ablenkung wiederzufinden. Und tappte im Dunkeln.

Mit ihrer extrem einfühlsamen, aber klaren Führung hat Anne in unserer Sitzung sehr schnell wieder Licht ins Dunkel gebracht. Und nur wo Licht ist, wird der Schatten sichtbar. Ich erkannte sofort, dass ich wieder alles getan hatte, um bloß nicht mit meinem Schatten und dem ihm innewohnenden Schmerz konfrontiert zu sein.

Gleichzeitig sah ich aber auch, dass es keinen Grund gibt, den Schatten zu fürchten. Denn nur wenn ich ihn sehe, wie er mein ganzes Leben lang neben mir läuft, und ich ihn in dieses mein Leben integriere, kann ich wirklich frei sein. Und so fühlte ich mich sofort freier und ermutigt, meinen Weg weiterzugehen. Diese Schattenarbeit ist ein so kostbares und großartiges Geschenk! Tausend Dank dafür!

Natalie W.



My goal is your self-empowerment.

You are ready for your next step. I open and hold the space for you. You discover. Transform. And find your true strength.

To live your liberated life, in all its abundance.

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